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Toby Mitchenall

Toby Mitchenall is the Senior Editor, ESG and Sustainability, at PEI Media. He is responsible for New Private Markets, a dedicated intelligence source on impact investing, sustainability and ESG in private markets, and is based in PEI’s London office. Toby was previously a consultant advising private equity firms on marketing and public relations.
The shift to sustainability in private markets deserves its own dedicated information source.
KKR’s industrials team routinely gives equity to a portfolio company’s entire workforce. Is this the future of private equity investment?
Sophisticated LPs have been aligning themselves with sector-specialist GPs in recent years, and this pair's $500m partnership is a milestone deal.
The technology and expertise exist to communicate non-financial KPIs to LPs with regularity, but don’t expect it to happen any time soon.
Investors, especially pension schemes with young beneficiaries, are starting to ask more of their managers when it comes to climate strategy.
The group, which includes some of the world's largest private equity and infrastructure firms, pledges to share knowledge on climate-related risks and 'improve the resilience' of long-term investment portfolios.
Some managers – mostly in Europe – are starting to speak a common language on climate, but US managers are lagging, say panellists at PEI’s Responsible Investment Forum: Europe.
The private equity industry must decide how its long-established fiduciary duty fits with a crisis like this.
Change concepts with orange paper airplane leading among white
A statement from pensions with combined assets of nearly $2trn is a clear warning to sceptics.
Deval Patrick
The buyout shop’s Double Impact business is small and has a lot to prove. We speak to managing director – and former Massachusetts governor – Deval Patrick.

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