The roadmap makes 37 recommendations for participants in the financial system that will help achieve net-zero emissions by 2050 and go further than government policy.
The fund will target renewable assets in both Europe and North America and is open to further commitments from additional investors.
A hand arranging wooden blocks with arrows pointing upwards
ESG must be included in the four main pillars of investment decision-making, say the firm's Teresa O'Flynn and Katherine Sherwin.
More than 500 attendees gathered virtually for our flagship diversity event last week gaining insight into topics ranging from progress on D&I issues and creating an impact to trends shaping the infrastructure industry. Here are some key highlights.
Climate initiatives by GPs tend to be about sharing good practice rather than systemic assessments across the portfolios, says Stephen Barrie, the pension's deputy director of ethics and engagement.
It is only when GPs play their part in climate change solutions that LPs can make their portfolios resilient and operational in the long-term, say panellists at PEI’s Responsible Investment Forum.
Private equity energy investors embrace the promise but also the challenges of the transition from fossil fuels to the burgeoning renewables movement.
The social and economic vulnerabilities exposed by the coronavirus could propel the world of impact investment to new levels.
The Sustainable Development Goals are focusing strategies on the continent, but surviving the pandemic will bring additional challenges.
Impact is no longer a distinct asset class but is being embraced as an investment style, says Michael Etzel, partner at impact consultancy Bridgespan Group.

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