The global VC firm has analysed the relationship between ESG outperformance and VC funding success within its portfolio.
The UK's largest LGPS has allocated £100m to invest in affordable housing in the Northwest.
Getting portfolio companies up to speed with reporting requirements will be a priority for H1, says head of responsible investment Vai Patel.
Taskforce on Inequality and Social-related Financial Disclosures launched in September, when it announced four co-chairs.
National Homelessness Property Fund 2 will hold a final close in the next month on £150m-£200m, says head of homelessness property funds Chris Cullen.
Arcano Private Debt II is seeking to make at least 20 investments, prioritising companies promoting sustainability and having a positive impact.
The former central banker leaves Brookfield after five years, having overseen the development of one of the market's largest transition investing platforms.
The new fund compliments the Italian firm's green transition PE fund, which closed on €380m last year.
Rising wealth and income inequality has implications for investors; forward-looking managers will understand and address this.
The firm has raised another $100m from institutional investors, according to a statement.