Impact and SFDR classification has always been an awkward marriage. It's no surprise sophisticated market actors are moving away from it.
Greg Shell, head of GSAM’s Horizon Inclusive Growth fund, sees a market ripe for both value growth and social impact in rural southern regions of the US.
The firm is linking 20% of its carried interest to impact KPIs; if these are not met, then unearned carry will be donated to a non-profit.
The programme recognises women from across the institutional investment ecosystem in private equity, private debt, infrastructure, venture capital and real estate.
Like their global peers, ESG and impact-focused investments have ESG and impact on the mind, according to discussions at the Hong Kong Venture Capital Association’s Greater China Private Equity Summit.
Panellists discussed the feasibility of constructing a portfolio entirely focused on impact at Impact Investor Global Summit last week.
Standardisation of impact data and better availability of benchmarking tools will encourge more adoption, says Russell Investments' Samantha Steele.
Having now developed decarbonisation guidance for all private markets asset classes, IIGCC will turn its attention to climate solutions, according to private markets lead Misa Andriamihaja.
The lack of investment in the blue economy and the need for more technological innovation in agriculture were among the talking points at Impact Investor Global Summit last week.
The ESG data platform will use the injection to create products for private companies and expand into new geographies.