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Despite the emergence of big-ticket specialist strategies, generalist impact funds are still raising capital amid a tougher fundraising environment.
The Global Impact Investing Network’s agriculture performance benchmark could influence LPs’ thinking outside their narrow allocations to 'impact'.
Despite their relatively small size, in-state and local impact allocations will require more oversight and draw more scrutiny than investors’ main private investment buckets.
Impact and sustainability remain high on LP wish lists, but a heterogeneous investor universe makes fundraising a difficult exercise.
North American and European markets receive the majority of impact investment capital. To maximise positive change, the balance must be redressed.
Individual investors find qualitative impact stories more engaging than KPIs – but with retail impact channels set to mushroom, comparable impact data will become critical.
Increasing transparency will leave greenwashers with nowhere to hide; the industry will be better for it.
As the collapse of SVB gets co-opted by proponents of the ‘ESG backlash’, expect managers to shy away from using the phrase.
Fund managers cannot keep up with bespoke LP data demands and industry standardisation initiatives. Both LPs and GPs need to be ready to listen and compromise.
Private debt and ESG don’t have a long history together, but there are signs of much-needed progress being made.