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Christopher Metrakos, OTPP
Sustainability and value are 'very integrated', explains Christopher Metrakos, head of natural resources at the C$248bn pension fund.
Obtaining non-financial information ranked bottom among data challenges faced by LPs in a survey conducted by State Street.
Eric Deram, Flexstone
Flexstone's European pension fund clients are on the hunt for Article 9 and impact funds, says managing partner Eric Deram.
The pension pool is sending questionnaires relating to TNFD to a selection of 'more advanced GPs', says responsible investment manager Alex Faulkner.
It will take 'two to three years' for the firm to roll out its methodology for ESG-enabled EBITDA across the portfolio, says partner Monika Nachyla.
GRESB's real estate ESG assessment is one of the asset classes most popular voluntary reporting frameworks.
Uncertainty about the use of proceeds poses an issue for NAV lenders looking to manage ESG risks.
Lenders are focusing on the sponsor to understand ESG risks, rather than the underlying investments in their portfolio, according to experts.
PERE Decarb 2024
The global head of the insurer’s alternative business says performance is the top priority as it works to decarbonise its €85bn real estate portfolio.
Industry practitioners anticipate embodied carbon will become a greater focus for prospective buyers in the future.

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