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Kristen Weldon , Cibus Capital
Kristen Weldon previously held senior positions at BlackRock, Blackstone and Partners Capital.
EU flags in front of European Commission building in Brussels
The recent launch of two Article 9 transition funds demonstrates how real estate’s understanding of the SFDR classification is evolving.
Peter Cashion, CalPERS
Peter Cashion, managing investment director for sustainable investments, will present the plan, which includes another $53bn for climate solutions investments, 10 more sustainability staff, scenarios analyses and options for divestment.
Fund managers are increasingly focusing on what a portfolio company does, as well as how it does it, in a bid to be sustainable in the long term, according to Carlyle's head of impact.
This year's GIIN forum showcased just how varied participants in the impact market are. That's no bad thing.
PAI Partners presents a guide to help firms act on biodiversity at its sustainability summit, as the asset class takes shape.
From reducing pesticides to increasing renewable energy usage, Cibus Capital has implemented an array of ESG improvement measures since it acquired The Summer Berry Company in 2019.
Ara Partners has been scaling rapidly over the past few years, raising nearly double its target for Fund II.
3d rendering amount of energy storage systems or battery container units with solar and turbine farm
While the climate strategy sits within KKR’s infrastructure vertical, it plans to scale new solutions with growth investments as well as real assets.
Woman holding green flag
EDCI participation, sustainability skills and portfolio-level value creation plans are top-of-mind for asset owners and investment consultants at PEI’s Responsible Investment Forum in San Francisco.

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