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Cows grazing, farm
Protein strategist Justin Sherrard expects net-zero commitments by food retail, food service and beef processors will spur investor interest in reducing beef’s 6% contribution to global emissions.
Are you a thematic, ESG or impact investor? This case study-led guide will help you work out your label.
Only one of the 50 largest VCs in the world has 'human rights due diligence processes in place that potentially met the standards set forth by the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights,' says the charity.
It sounds like a simple question, but the answer runs to more than 560 pages.
NPM Investec GP survey
Of GPs, 62% say they have declined an investment in the past year due to ESG factors, compared to 55% the year before, according to Investec’s survey of private equity managers.
Limited partners – particularly in Europe – are asking for 'opt-out' options in side letters, finds placement agent Capstone in its survey of investors.
The main investor concern was that companies may be able to reap the benefits of 'greenium'-style interest savings while avoiding meeting, or even testing, key performance indicators.
For the second year in a row, research firm Global SWF has assessed the world's largest state-backed investors on issues of sustainability.
Available to susbscribers only: an Excel spreadsheet containing details of LP commitments to funds managed by members of our Impact 20 ranking.
If mid-market firms are doing nothing on diversity, they are not alone... but they are in the minority.

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